Friday 6th May, 2022 - The Hospitality Room, Merrimac State High School
Present: Dr. Andrew Bode (Chair), Lyn Gibson, Denise Garrick, Don Roberts, Jennie Fairlie, Sue Andersen, Tim Andersen, Peter Meggitt, Lynne Budworth, Sylvia Batchelor, Robert McRae, Maria McRae, Tony Freedland, Adolfo Matthews, Marie Mooney, Colin Kingelty, Julie Abel, Robyn Tucker, Helen Hiscock, Terry Hiscock.
Apologies: Linda Crittenden, John Crittenden, Rosemary Nott, Kathy Baigent , Jo Holman, Mary Dale, Frances McLean, Des Wicks, Sherry Dowling, Margaret Nielson.
The meeting was chaired by Dr. Andrew Bode (Patron of U3A Broadbeach). Andrew opened the meeting at 10.03 am.
The minutes for the 2021 AGM were read by Julie Abel. who was the secretary at the time. The motion to approve the minutes was moved by Julie and seconded by Peter Meggitt. The motion was carried by those present.
President’s Report
Lyn explained how U3A Broadbeach activities had been impacted by the covid pandemic. During 2021, all activities were offered during Term 2 and the start of Term 3, with a request that all members observe pandemic precautions. Our numbers were down as some members were cautious about mixing in groups. At the beginning of Term 3 the Gold Coast was put into lockdown and the Queensland Government announced that only students and staff could enter Queensland state schools. U3A Broadbeach continued many of its activities by moving to outside venues, to tutors’ homes, or continued activities held outside or already in outside venues.
Towards the end of the year, tutors were thanked with a special morning tea at Teavine in Tallebudgera Valley and in the weeks following , everyone worked to put together a program of 40 activities for 2022. The school was also optimistic about our return to the school and scheduled our classrooms for 2022. Unfortunately, the Queensland Government banned all visitors to Queensland state schools and so we were unable to run classes at the school for Term 1.
At the beginning of Term 2 this year, the school agreed to allow us to return to the school for the rest of the year with strict vaccination requirements. At this stage the committee approved and published a Covid Safety and Vaccination Policy requiring members to be double-vaccinated or have a registered medical exemption. Not an easy decision but one which followed advice from the U3A Queensland Network. This policy was reviewed at the March Committee meeting to allow unvaccinated members to attend classes in outside venues, but the school still has strict vaccination rules.
Julie Abel, Robyn Tucker and Lyn Gibson attended the U3A Qld Network Conference at Stanthorpe in May 2021. At the Presidents’ meeting the changes to the 2020 Incorporated Associations Act (Qld) were discussed, guided by a legislative consultant who stressed that the changes need to be taken seriously as non-compliance could result in financial penalties by the Office of Fair Trading.
Hence, U3A Broadbeach has put in place a number of policies and procedures to ensure we are compliant. This includes (a) ensuring that all records are accurate and filed (b) advertising our activities on our website, newsletter and advertising (c) providing a product which we can deliver by working with our tutors (d) continuing to provide social activities for our members, especially in a time of a pandemic. (d) approving and publishing a Complaints Policy and Procedure document, which includes the formation of a Complaints Handling Committee. Lyn thanked all of the members of the committee who have worked diligently to satisfy these changes.
Lyn reported that the committee, with pleasure, had awarded life memberships to Marie Mooney and Pam Thorogood for their long service to U3A Broadbeach. Certificates were presented at the Christmas Party.
Lyn stated that she would not be standing for president after three years. During the year Julie Abel resigned as secretary and Sue Andersen stepped down from the committee, but both are renominating. Des Wicks and Rosemary Nott are stepping down and will be greatly missed.
Lyn explained that there are changes ahead. At the end of 2021 Chris Tobin retired as Principal of Merrimac State High School. The new principal. Mrs Rachel Cutjar, will be introducing new programs in 2023 and so U3A Broadbeach will be looking for a new home. Lyn said that the committee has already started the wheels in motion with the Gold Coast Council, who lease many buildings for community groups and asked for “fingers-crossed that we may find the right place”.
Lyn wished the new President-elect, Robert McRae, the best of experiences in his term of office. She said that since Robert joined U3A Broadbeach, he has started the very successful Explorers group and the valuable Blokes Breakfast. He is an effective administrator with wonderful diplomatic skills. U3A Broadbeach will be in good hands.
The motion to accept the President’s Report was carried by acclamation.
Andrew Bode commented on the importance of compliance and congratulated the committee for dealing with this.
Marie Mooney presented flowers to the outgoing president and thanked her for steering the association through the past three difficult years.
Don Roberts praised the committee, guided by Lyn, and acknowledged the work of Marie Mooney in organising the return of classes to the school in 2021 during a period when Lyn was absent with illness.
Mrs Rachel Cutjar, Principal of Merrimac State High School, spoke to the meeting. She outlined her leadership, commitment and vision for the school and how she hoped to promote the growth of the school as a community school. Rachel discussed the successful results of the 2021 Year 12 cohort and a summary of Naplan Test results for other year groups.
Rachel thanked U3A Broadbeach for the 2021 donation to the school and showed how it had been used:
On behalf of our members,Lyn presented Rachel with a cheque for $4,000 to support individual students in need and selected programs in the school.
Rachel emphasised her commitment for life-long learning and said that possibly by September she would have a better idea of support on campus that might be given to our association in out-of-school hours.
The Financial Report was presented by the treasurer, Tony Freedland. Tony reported that our bank balance at the 31st December 2021 was $21, 643.56. He explained that although the reduction of 2021 fees to $20.00 for previous members reduced our income and we donated $5,000 to the school, the turnover for the year was greater than the previous year because extra venues were used for classes. This meant that an audit report was done. This is available for inspection. The financial statement is also included in these minutes. In 2022, registration fees returned to normal and most members paid by Direct Bank Deposit. EFTPOS is now available in the office.
Tony added to the report the proposal that the meeting approve that the auditors used this year should be used again next year.
He also stated the need to change bank signatorees (Tony Freedland, Jo Holman, Robyn Tucker and the President, Lyn Gibson), to replace Lyn with the new President, Robert McRae.
The motion to adopt the report and additions was moved by Tony Freedland and seconded by Robyn Tucker. The motion was carried by those present.
Lyn thanked Tony for the professionalism with which he undertook the treasurer’s role.
A request was made by Jenny Fairlie to explain the income from external venues on the balance sheet provided. Tony explained that members using external venues covered the venue fee. This money was collected in the class and was sent to the treasurer, who then paid the bill on invoice. Hence the money paid to the treasurer appeared as “income from external venues”.
The 2021 Committee
Andrew stated that all positions on the committee were now vacated. He then said that nominations for the 2022 committee were unopposed and invited the President-elect, Robert McRae, to announce the 2022 committee. Robert explained that his decision to nominate for president, was because he had been convinced of the quality of the committee.
He then announced the 2022 committee as follows:
President: Robert McRae
Vice President and Tutor Manager : Marie Mooney
Secretary: Julie Abel
Treasurer: Tony Freedland
Social Director: Robyn Tucker
Publicity Officer: John Crittenden
Web master: Linda Crittenden
Data Administrator: Jo Holman
Management Committee: Sue Andersen, Lyn Gibson, Colin Kingelty, Peter Meggitt, Don Roberts
The positions were confirmed by acclamation.
Close of the meeting:
Andrew spoke of the history of U3A Broadbeach and how he was instrumental in finding a home for the association in past years. He wished us well in finding a new home in the future.
The meeting closed at 11.20 a.m.
Friday 6th May, 2022 - The Hospitality Room, Merrimac State High School
Present: Dr. Andrew Bode (Chair), Lyn Gibson, Denise Garrick, Don Roberts, Jennie Fairlie, Sue Andersen, Tim Andersen, Peter Meggitt, Lynne Budworth, Sylvia Batchelor, Robert McRae, Maria McRae, Tony Freedland, Adolfo Matthews, Marie Mooney, Colin Kingelty, Julie Abel, Robyn Tucker, Helen Hiscock, Terry Hiscock.
Apologies: Linda Crittenden, John Crittenden, Rosemary Nott, Kathy Baigent , Jo Holman, Mary Dale, Frances McLean, Des Wicks, Sherry Dowling, Margaret Nielson.
The meeting was chaired by Dr. Andrew Bode (Patron of U3A Broadbeach). Andrew opened the meeting at 10.03 am.
The minutes for the 2021 AGM were read by Julie Abel. who was the secretary at the time. The motion to approve the minutes was moved by Julie and seconded by Peter Meggitt. The motion was carried by those present.
President’s Report
Lyn explained how U3A Broadbeach activities had been impacted by the covid pandemic. During 2021, all activities were offered during Term 2 and the start of Term 3, with a request that all members observe pandemic precautions. Our numbers were down as some members were cautious about mixing in groups. At the beginning of Term 3 the Gold Coast was put into lockdown and the Queensland Government announced that only students and staff could enter Queensland state schools. U3A Broadbeach continued many of its activities by moving to outside venues, to tutors’ homes, or continued activities held outside or already in outside venues.
Towards the end of the year, tutors were thanked with a special morning tea at Teavine in Tallebudgera Valley and in the weeks following , everyone worked to put together a program of 40 activities for 2022. The school was also optimistic about our return to the school and scheduled our classrooms for 2022. Unfortunately, the Queensland Government banned all visitors to Queensland state schools and so we were unable to run classes at the school for Term 1.
At the beginning of Term 2 this year, the school agreed to allow us to return to the school for the rest of the year with strict vaccination requirements. At this stage the committee approved and published a Covid Safety and Vaccination Policy requiring members to be double-vaccinated or have a registered medical exemption. Not an easy decision but one which followed advice from the U3A Queensland Network. This policy was reviewed at the March Committee meeting to allow unvaccinated members to attend classes in outside venues, but the school still has strict vaccination rules.
Julie Abel, Robyn Tucker and Lyn Gibson attended the U3A Qld Network Conference at Stanthorpe in May 2021. At the Presidents’ meeting the changes to the 2020 Incorporated Associations Act (Qld) were discussed, guided by a legislative consultant who stressed that the changes need to be taken seriously as non-compliance could result in financial penalties by the Office of Fair Trading.
Hence, U3A Broadbeach has put in place a number of policies and procedures to ensure we are compliant. This includes (a) ensuring that all records are accurate and filed (b) advertising our activities on our website, newsletter and advertising (c) providing a product which we can deliver by working with our tutors (d) continuing to provide social activities for our members, especially in a time of a pandemic. (d) approving and publishing a Complaints Policy and Procedure document, which includes the formation of a Complaints Handling Committee. Lyn thanked all of the members of the committee who have worked diligently to satisfy these changes.
Lyn reported that the committee, with pleasure, had awarded life memberships to Marie Mooney and Pam Thorogood for their long service to U3A Broadbeach. Certificates were presented at the Christmas Party.
Lyn stated that she would not be standing for president after three years. During the year Julie Abel resigned as secretary and Sue Andersen stepped down from the committee, but both are renominating. Des Wicks and Rosemary Nott are stepping down and will be greatly missed.
Lyn explained that there are changes ahead. At the end of 2021 Chris Tobin retired as Principal of Merrimac State High School. The new principal. Mrs Rachel Cutjar, will be introducing new programs in 2023 and so U3A Broadbeach will be looking for a new home. Lyn said that the committee has already started the wheels in motion with the Gold Coast Council, who lease many buildings for community groups and asked for “fingers-crossed that we may find the right place”.
Lyn wished the new President-elect, Robert McRae, the best of experiences in his term of office. She said that since Robert joined U3A Broadbeach, he has started the very successful Explorers group and the valuable Blokes Breakfast. He is an effective administrator with wonderful diplomatic skills. U3A Broadbeach will be in good hands.
The motion to accept the President’s Report was carried by acclamation.
Andrew Bode commented on the importance of compliance and congratulated the committee for dealing with this.
Marie Mooney presented flowers to the outgoing president and thanked her for steering the association through the past three difficult years.
Don Roberts praised the committee, guided by Lyn, and acknowledged the work of Marie Mooney in organising the return of classes to the school in 2021 during a period when Lyn was absent with illness.
Mrs Rachel Cutjar, Principal of Merrimac State High School, spoke to the meeting. She outlined her leadership, commitment and vision for the school and how she hoped to promote the growth of the school as a community school. Rachel discussed the successful results of the 2021 Year 12 cohort and a summary of Naplan Test results for other year groups.
Rachel thanked U3A Broadbeach for the 2021 donation to the school and showed how it had been used:
- for performance coaching (academic extension and tutorials)
- to help 2 students who experienced homelessness
- to provide 2 students indigenous program support
- to engage a motivational speaker for Years 10-12.
On behalf of our members,Lyn presented Rachel with a cheque for $4,000 to support individual students in need and selected programs in the school.
Rachel emphasised her commitment for life-long learning and said that possibly by September she would have a better idea of support on campus that might be given to our association in out-of-school hours.
The Financial Report was presented by the treasurer, Tony Freedland. Tony reported that our bank balance at the 31st December 2021 was $21, 643.56. He explained that although the reduction of 2021 fees to $20.00 for previous members reduced our income and we donated $5,000 to the school, the turnover for the year was greater than the previous year because extra venues were used for classes. This meant that an audit report was done. This is available for inspection. The financial statement is also included in these minutes. In 2022, registration fees returned to normal and most members paid by Direct Bank Deposit. EFTPOS is now available in the office.
Tony added to the report the proposal that the meeting approve that the auditors used this year should be used again next year.
He also stated the need to change bank signatorees (Tony Freedland, Jo Holman, Robyn Tucker and the President, Lyn Gibson), to replace Lyn with the new President, Robert McRae.
The motion to adopt the report and additions was moved by Tony Freedland and seconded by Robyn Tucker. The motion was carried by those present.
Lyn thanked Tony for the professionalism with which he undertook the treasurer’s role.
A request was made by Jenny Fairlie to explain the income from external venues on the balance sheet provided. Tony explained that members using external venues covered the venue fee. This money was collected in the class and was sent to the treasurer, who then paid the bill on invoice. Hence the money paid to the treasurer appeared as “income from external venues”.
The 2021 Committee
Andrew stated that all positions on the committee were now vacated. He then said that nominations for the 2022 committee were unopposed and invited the President-elect, Robert McRae, to announce the 2022 committee. Robert explained that his decision to nominate for president, was because he had been convinced of the quality of the committee.
He then announced the 2022 committee as follows:
President: Robert McRae
Vice President and Tutor Manager : Marie Mooney
Secretary: Julie Abel
Treasurer: Tony Freedland
Social Director: Robyn Tucker
Publicity Officer: John Crittenden
Web master: Linda Crittenden
Data Administrator: Jo Holman
Management Committee: Sue Andersen, Lyn Gibson, Colin Kingelty, Peter Meggitt, Don Roberts
The positions were confirmed by acclamation.
Close of the meeting:
Andrew spoke of the history of U3A Broadbeach and how he was instrumental in finding a home for the association in past years. He wished us well in finding a new home in the future.
The meeting closed at 11.20 a.m.