Hello all,
I have just sent out a general email stating that all U3A classes will be suspended until further notice.
This decision has not been an easy one, especially as everyone (especially the new members) have settled into their classes and were reporting back in glowing terms.
Consideration had to be given to the fact that we use the classrooms in Merrimac State High School and that any decision we made to continue classes could impact the school. In fact, the school Principal is very appreciative of the fact that we have suspended classes as he is dealing with uncertainties about decisions he has to make for the school at this time.
There are three more weeks of term and then the school breaks for two weeks. We will review the situation at the end of that period, hoping that we can reverse the suspension and start classes again. Unfortunately, as the government changes its advice day by day, I cannot predict what the situation will be at that time.
Here's hoping that we are back in class as soon as possible. You are such a talented and dedicated group that I would like to see you back in action soon.
Best regards
Lyn Gibson
I have just sent out a general email stating that all U3A classes will be suspended until further notice.
This decision has not been an easy one, especially as everyone (especially the new members) have settled into their classes and were reporting back in glowing terms.
Consideration had to be given to the fact that we use the classrooms in Merrimac State High School and that any decision we made to continue classes could impact the school. In fact, the school Principal is very appreciative of the fact that we have suspended classes as he is dealing with uncertainties about decisions he has to make for the school at this time.
There are three more weeks of term and then the school breaks for two weeks. We will review the situation at the end of that period, hoping that we can reverse the suspension and start classes again. Unfortunately, as the government changes its advice day by day, I cannot predict what the situation will be at that time.
Here's hoping that we are back in class as soon as possible. You are such a talented and dedicated group that I would like to see you back in action soon.
Best regards
Lyn Gibson