U3A Broadbeach Newsletter July 2016
"As we grow older, we must discipline ourselves to continue expanding, broadening, learning, keeping our minds active and open "- Clint Eastwood I miss Cowboys on TV and Rawhide was a particular favourite whenever l was allowed to stay up late to see it. No news is good news and April and June required neither drumbeats nor smoke signals but a new term is upon us shortly commencing on Monday July 11th and it is time to let you know what is going on. Badgering On Keeping to the Cowboy theme, here's a nag : badges are not just for Sheriffs - they are for U3A members to wear to classes as part of sensible security practices. I am sure you don't want to make Clint's day. Forthcoming Frolics Hats off ( and on ) to Sylvia Duggan who is once more hosting a Bastille Day celebration for her French Groups - this time on the very day itself - the 14th July. Berets are de rigeur. Let them eat cake. John Mooney is leading the Choir into deepest Robina where we will be performing some well rehearsed hymns at Probus Ecumenical Service on 12th July. Great to share our joy of song with the community. |
Robyn Tucker's Christmas in July on the 8th should bring out some competitive festive dressing that will go down well with the meal. We look forward to the photos. The U3A Griffith University Lecture is also on the 8th July The lecture will be given by Dr Kira McCabe, Research Fellow, School of Applied Psychology. Dr McCabe's topic will revolve around: 'Personality Development Over the Lifespan. The lecture venue is the usual room, G34_1.05/1.06 at 2pm. Space Launch The Astronomy class commences on Tuesday July 12th in room N4 at 12:30 pm. The tutor is Matthew Wallace. Anyone wishing to join this class should turn up at the time and place even if they haven't expressed an interest previously. Check the website for further details. A Little Wrinkle Beauty Without/ Beauty Within has changed to Thursday 12:10 pm in room R2. Further details are given under class notes on the website. |
Take Good Care of Yourself
We have received details from Natalie Weiss of the School of Medicine of the University of Tasmania letting us know about a free on-line course on Mental Health and Well Being. Following is a short outline of a unit called Self-Care for Mental Health and Wellbeing . The unit is offered at no cost, is fully online and available to all Australian citizens* The unit begins Monday 11th July Self-Care for Mental Health and Wellbeing helps you understand and maintain a healthy mind and general wellbeing. It explores determinants that may impact upon mental health, using stories and vignettes from experts and members of the community. Students will investigate tools, processes and approaches to maintaining mental wellness, as well as examine approaches to developing resilience and coping with stress. To enrol or for more information please call Natalie on 03 6226 8526. Round Up I leave you with the words of that great philosopher cowboy, John Wayne. "Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday." John Crittenden Publicity Officer |