U3A Broadbeach Newsletter November 2016
'People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do' Isaac Asimov So how much do you know about what is coming up at U3A Broadbeach? Have you got form? Enrolment for 2017 commences 14th November so please ensure you enrol for next year either on Mondays at the U3A office at Merrimac High School between 10am and 12 noon during school term or by post to PO Box 526 Pacific Fair 4218. The fee is $50 for a single member and $60 for two people at the same address. Please supply a completed application form with boxes ticked for your desired subjects - this can be found on our web site or provided at our office. For your convenience a copy of the form is also attached to this newsletter. If you miss enrolling before the end of this term there will as usual be the long-stop of our Signing On Day that will be held early next year. All Good Things Classes end for this year on Friday 2nd December. It is anticipated that we will be able to publish next year's timetable in early February when class room allocation has been confirmed with Merrimac school. No major changes are expected. Keeping in Touch? Have a look at this proposed new Kinesiology course on the class notes on our web site. Kinesiology is an introduction to Touch for Health – for U3A members. Touch for Health Kinesiology (TFHK ) is a system of balancing posture, attitude and life energy for greater comfort, vitality and enjoyment of your life. This course will be presented by – Jeanne Kuenstner Jeanne is a Touch for Health Instructor since 1992 and a practitioner since 1984. Anyone interested in participating should email [email protected]. |
Travelling Lite
The Armchair Travel course mooted and covered in detail in our April Newsletter is now to be launched. Anyone interested in participating should email [email protected] and it would be helpful if you could indicate the countries of which you have or would like to have knowledge Meet and Drink You will soon receive an irresistible invitation to our annual Christmas lunch on the 1st December at Robina Bowls club so it is great that you already have this in your diary. The Power of Three The U3A Melbourne City has once again launched a Three Countries, Three Universities, England, Wales , Scotland Tour for August 2017. Brochures are available from our U3A office. You will have to find the $11,870.00 all inclusive price. Once in a lifetime? Hosting for our Hosts We are ever grateful that Merrimac School is our U3A host but did you know the school needs hosts too? Merrimac SHS has a long history of hosting international students and they are looking for families to join their community as a homestay family. All you need to do is provide a warm, supportive environment, a separate bedroom and three meals a day. Host families are people who like to experience different cultures and traditions. |
Host families are continually supported by their international staff and a placement fee of $272 per week per student is paid to cover food and expenses. For further information please contact Merrimac's Homestay Coordinator Kim Norfolk 55 95 8612 or [email protected].
IT Girls 2017 Having successfully run a number of iPad courses this year the iPad tutors have put their heads together and decided that in 2017 there will be an addition to the basic course which they will continue to run. The courses on offer for 2017: * Getting the most from your iPad - Email, Internet Browsing, Apps and iPad tips and tricks * Advanced iPad - Managing your photos using an iPad, Facebook, Twitter Both of these courses will be run over 3 sessions of 2 hours each session. Please email Linda Crittenden ([email protected]) if you are interested stating which course you would like to attend. It is anticipated that the courses will start again in March 2017 depending on demand. Sophia, so good "There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age." - Sophia Loren Well, it worked for her didn't it? John Crittenden Publicity Officer |