Walking groupRobyn Tucker
07 5539 8404 Poinciana Boulevard Broadbeach Waters Tuesdays 9.00am - 10.00am Parking is available at the end of Poinciana Boulevard where we start and finish our one hour walk. Everybody welcome to join us every Tuesday. It is a lovely venue and walking along, chatting, is much enjoyed by us all. |
Kerfuffle 17th June
Trish & Barry Joy risked disqualification by turning up at the start of the walk riding their side-by-side tandem.
The resulting kerfuffle was resolved when the Walking Group very kindly granted them a dispensation and invited them to join in. Robyn captured the historic event for posterity . . . .
Trish & Barry Joy risked disqualification by turning up at the start of the walk riding their side-by-side tandem.
The resulting kerfuffle was resolved when the Walking Group very kindly granted them a dispensation and invited them to join in. Robyn captured the historic event for posterity . . . .
. . . . . . . and put together this collage of the event . . . . . . .